function dhtmlXCalendarObject(inps, skin) { // parse inputs this.i = {}; this.uid = function() { if (!this.uidd) this.uidd = new Date().getTime(); return this.uidd++; } var p = null; if (typeof(inps) == "string") { var t0 = document.getElementById(inps); } else { var t0 = inps; } if (t0 && typeof(t0) == "object" && t0.tagName && String(t0.tagName).toLowerCase() != "input") p = t0; t0 = null; // single param if (typeof(inps) != "object" || !inps.length) inps = [inps]; for (var q=0; q"+ "MonthYear"+ "
"; ul.appendChild(li); var that = this; li.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; var t = (||e.srcElement); // change month by clicking left-right arrows if (t.className && t.className.indexOf("dhtmlxcalendar_month_arrow") === 0) { that._hideSelector(); var ind = (t.parentNode.firstChild==t?-1:1); that._drawMonth(new Date(that._activeMonth.getFullYear(), that._activeMonth.getMonth()+ind, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); return; } // show month selector if (t.className && t.className == "dhtmlxcalendar_month_label_month") { e.cancelBubble = true; that._showSelector("month",31,21,"selector_month",true); return; } // show year selector if (t.className && t.className == "dhtmlxcalendar_month_label_year") { e.cancelBubble = true; that._showSelector("year",42,21,"selector_year",true); return; } // hide selector if it visible that._hideSelector(); } // build days names this.contDays = document.createElement("DIV"); this.contDays.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_days_cont"; this.base.appendChild(this.contDays); this.setWeekStartDay = function(ind) { // 1..7 = Mo-Su, also 0 = Su if (ind == 0) ind = 7; this._wStart = Math.min(Math.max((isNaN(ind)?1:ind),1),7); this._drawDaysOfWeek(); } this._drawDaysOfWeek = function() { if (this.contDays.childNodes.length == 0) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_line"; this.contDays.appendChild(ul); } else { var ul = this.contDays.firstChild; } var w = this._wStart; var k = this.langData[this.lang].daysSNames; k.push(String(this.langData[this.lang].daysSNames[0]).valueOf()); for (var q=0; q<7; q++) { if (ul.childNodes[q] == null) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); ul.appendChild(li); } else { var li = ul.childNodes[q]; } li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_cell"+(w>=6?" dhtmlxcalendar_day_weekday_cell":"")+(q==0?"_first":""); li.innerHTML = k[w]; if (++w > 7) w = 1; } if (this._activeMonth != null) this._drawMonth(this._activeMonth); } this._wStart = this.langData[this.lang].weekstart; this.setWeekStartDay(this._wStart); // dates container this.contDates = document.createElement("DIV"); this.contDates.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont"; this.base.appendChild(this.contDates); this.contDates.onclick = function(e){ e = e||event; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._date != null && !t._css_dis) { var t1 = that._activeDate.getHours(); var t2 = that._activeDate.getMinutes(); // cjeck if allow to modify input if (that.checkEvent("onBeforeChange")) { if (!that.callEvent("onBeforeChange",[new Date(t._date.getFullYear(),t._date.getMonth(),t._date.getDate(),t1,t2)])) return; } if (that._activeDateCell != null) { that._activeDateCell._css_date = false; that._updateCellStyle(that._activeDateCell._q, that._activeDateCell._w); } // update month if day from prev/next month clicked var refreshView = (that._hasParent && that._activeDate.getFullYear()+"_"+that._activeDate.getMonth() != t._date.getFullYear()+"_"+t._date.getMonth()); that._activeDate = new Date(t._date.getFullYear(),t._date.getMonth(),t._date.getDate(),t1,t2); that._activeDateCell = t; that._activeDateCell._css_date = true; that._activeDateCell._css_hover = false; that._lastHover = null; that._updateCellStyle(that._activeDateCell._q, that._activeDateCell._w); if (refreshView) that._drawMonth(that._activeDate); // update date in input if any if (that._activeInp && that.i[that._activeInp]) { that.i[that._activeInp].value = that._dateToStr(new Date(that._activeDate.getTime())); } // hide if (!that._hasParent) that._hide(); // that.callEvent("onClick",[new Date(that._activeDate.getTime())]); } } this.contDates.onmouseover = function(e) { e = e||event; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._date != null) { // && t != that._activeDateCell) { // skip hover for selected date t._css_hover = true; that._updateCellStyle(t._q, t._w); that._lastHover = t; } } this.contDates.onmouseout = function() { that._clearDayHover(); } this._lastHover = null; this._clearDayHover = function() { if (!this._lastHover) return; this._lastHover._css_hover = false; this._updateCellStyle(this._lastHover._q, this._lastHover._w); this._lastHover = null; } // build cells for (var q=0; q<6; q++) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_line"; this.contDates.appendChild(ul); for (var w=0; w<7; w++) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_cell"; ul.appendChild(li); } } // timepicker this.contTime = document.createElement("DIV"); this.contTime.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_time_cont"; this.base.appendChild(this.contTime); this.showTime = function() { if (String(this.base.className).search("dhtmlxcalendar_time_hidden") > 0) this.base.className = String(this.base.className).replace(/dhtmlxcalendar_time_hidden/gi,""); } this.hideTime = function() { if (String(this.base.className).search("dhtmlxcalendar_time_hidden") < 0) this.base.className += " dhtmlxcalendar_time_hidden"; } var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_line"; this.contTime.appendChild(ul); var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_cell dhtmlxcalendar_time_hdr"; li.innerHTML = "
:"; ul.appendChild(li); li.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; var t = (||e.srcElement); // show hours selector if (t.className && t.className == "dhtmlxcalendar_label_hours") { e.cancelBubble = true; that._showSelector("hours",3,115,"selector_hours",true); return; } // show minutes selector if (t.className && t.className == "dhtmlxcalendar_label_minutes") { e.cancelBubble = true; that._showSelector("minutes",59,115,"selector_minutes",true); return; } // hide selector if it visible that._hideSelector(); } this._activeMonth = null; this._activeDate = new Date(); this._activeDateCell = null; this.setDate = function(d) { if (d === "") d = new Date(); if (!(d instanceof Date)) d = this._strToDate(d,false); var time = d.getTime(); // out of range if (this._isOutOfRange(time)) return; this._activeDate = new Date(time); this._drawMonth(this._activeDate); this._updateVisibleHours(); this._updateVisibleMinutes(); } this.getDate = function(formated) { var t = new Date(this._activeDate.getTime()); if (formated) return this._dateToStr(t); return t; } this._drawMonth = function(d) { if (!(d instanceof Date)) return; if (isNaN(d.getFullYear())) d = new Date(this._activeMonth.getFullYear(), this._activeMonth.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); this._activeMonth = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); this._activeDateCell = null; var first = new Date(this._activeMonth.getTime()); var d0 = first.getDay(); var e0 = d0-this._wStart; if (e0 < 0) e0 = e0+7; first.setDate(first.getDate()-e0); var mx = d.getMonth(); var dx = new Date(this._activeDate.getFullYear(), this._activeDate.getMonth(), this._activeDate.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); var i = 0; for (var q=0; q<6; q++) { var ws = this._wStart; for (var w=0; w<7; w++) { var d2 = new Date(first.getFullYear(), first.getMonth(), first.getDate()+i++, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w].innerHTML = d2.getDate(); var day = d2.getDay(); var time = d2.getTime(); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._date = new Date(time); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._q = q; this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._w = w; this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._css_month = (d2.getMonth()==mx); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._css_date = (time==dx); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._css_weekend = (ws>=6); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._css_dis = this._isOutOfRange(time); this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._css_holiday = (this._holidays[time] == true); this._updateCellStyle(q, w); if (time==dx) this._activeDateCell = this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]; if (++ws > 7) ws = 1; } } this.contMonth.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].innerHTML = this.langData[this.lang].monthesFNames[d.getMonth()]; this.contMonth.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].innerHTML = d.getFullYear(); } this._updateCellStyle = function(q, w) { var r = this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]; var s = "dhtmlxcalendar_cell dhtmlxcalendar_cell"; // this/another month s += (r._css_month ? "_month" : ""); // selected date s += (r._css_date ? "_date" : ""); // is weekend s += (r._css_weekend ? "_weekend" : ""); // is holiday s += (r._css_holiday ? "_holiday" : ""); // is cell disabled s += (r._css_dis ? "_dis" : ""); // is cell hover (only if not disabled) s += (r._css_hover && !r._css_dis ? "_hover" : ""); r.className = s; r = null; } /* global selector obj */ this._initSelector = function(type,css) { if (!this._selCover) { this._selCover = document.createElement("DIV"); this._selCover.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cover"; this.base.appendChild(this._selCover); } if (!this._sel) { this._sel = document.createElement("DIV"); this._sel.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_obj"; this.base.appendChild(this._sel); this._sel.appendChild(document.createElement("TABLE")); this._sel.firstChild.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_table"; this._sel.firstChild.cellSpacing = 0; this._sel.firstChild.cellPadding = 0; this._sel.firstChild.border = 0; this._sel.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement("TBODY")); this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement("TR")); this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement("TD")); this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement("TD")); this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement("TD")); this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_left"; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_middle"; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_right"; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].innerHTML = " "; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].innerHTML = " "; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].onmouseover = function(){ this.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_left dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_left_hover"; } this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].onmouseout = function(){ this.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_left"; } this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].onmouseover = function(){ this.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_right dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_right_hover"; } this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].onmouseout = function(){ this.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_right"; } this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].onclick = function(e){ e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; that._scrollYears(-1); } this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[2].onclick = function(e){ e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; that._scrollYears(1); } this._sel._ta = {}; this._selHover = null; this._sel.onmouseover = function(e) { e = e||event; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._cell === true) { if (that._selHover != t) that._clearSelHover(); if (String(t.className).match(/^\s{0,}dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell\s{0,}$/gi) !=null) { t.className += " dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_hover"; that._selHover = t; } } } this._sel.onmouseout = function() { that._clearSelHover(); } this._sel.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); this._sel.lastChild.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_obj_arrow"; } // check if already inited if (this._sel._ta[type] == true) return; // init month if (type == "month") { this._msCells = {}; this.msCont = document.createElement("DIV"); this.msCont.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_area_"+css; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].appendChild(this.msCont); var i = 0; for (var q=0; q<4; q++) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_line"; this.msCont.appendChild(ul); for (var w=0; w<3; w++) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.innerHTML = this.langData[this.lang].monthesSNames[i]; li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; ul.appendChild(li); li._month = i; li._cell = true; this._msCells[i++] = li; } } this.msCont.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._month != null) { that._hideSelector(); that._updateActiveMonth(); that._drawMonth(new Date(that._activeMonth.getFullYear(), t._month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); that._doOnSelectorChange(); } } } // init year if (type == "year") { this._ysCells = {}; this.ysCont = document.createElement("DIV"); this.ysCont.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_area_"+css; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].appendChild(this.ysCont); for (var q=0; q<4; q++) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_line"; this.ysCont.appendChild(ul); for (var w=0; w<3; w++) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; li._cell = true; ul.appendChild(li); } } this.ysCont.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._year != null) { that._hideSelector(); that._drawMonth(new Date(t._year, that._activeMonth.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); that._doOnSelectorChange(); } } } // init hours if (type == "hours") { this._hsCells = {}; this.hsCont = document.createElement("DIV"); this.hsCont.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_area_"+css; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].appendChild(this.hsCont); var i = 0; for (var q=0; q<4; q++) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_line"; this.hsCont.appendChild(ul); for (var w=0; w<6; w++) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.innerHTML = this._fixLength(i,2); li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; ul.appendChild(li); li._hours = i; li._cell = true; this._hsCells[i++] = li; } } this.hsCont.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._hours != null) { that._hideSelector(); that._activeDate.setHours(t._hours); that._updateActiveHours(); that._updateVisibleHours(); that._doOnSelectorChange(); // update input text with new hours and minutes that.i[that._activeInp].value = that._dateToStr(new Date(that._activeDate.getTime())); } } } // init minutes if (type == "minutes") { this._rsCells = {}; this.rsCont = document.createElement("DIV"); this.rsCont.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_area_"+css; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].appendChild(this.rsCont); var i = 0; for (var q=0; q<4; q++) { var ul = document.createElement("UL"); ul.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_line"; this.rsCont.appendChild(ul); for (var w=0; w<3; w++) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.innerHTML = this._fixLength(i,2); li.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; ul.appendChild(li); li._minutes = i; li._cell = true; this._rsCells[i] = li; i+=5; } } this.rsCont.onclick = function(e) { e = e||event; e.cancelBubble = true; var t = (||e.srcElement); if (t._minutes != null) { that._hideSelector(); that._activeDate.setMinutes(t._minutes); that._updateActiveMinutes(); that._updateVisibleMinutes(); that._doOnSelectorChange(); // update input text with new hours and minutes that.i[that._activeInp].value = that._dateToStr(new Date(that._activeDate.getTime())); } } } // mark that selector of current type is inited this._sel._ta[type] = true; } this._showSelector = function(type,x,y,css,autoHide) { if (autoHide === true && this._sel != null && this._isSelectorVisible() && type == this._sel._t) { this._hideSelector(); return; } if (!this._sel || !this._sel._ta[type]) this._initSelector(type,css); // show selector cover = ""; // show selector this._sel._t = type; = x+"px"; = y+"px"; = ""; this._sel.className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_obj dhtmlxcalendar_"+css; // callbacks this._doOnSelectorShow(type); } this._doOnSelectorShow = function(type) { if (type == "month") this._updateActiveMonth(); if (type == "year") this._updateYearsList(this._activeMonth); if (type == "hours") this._updateActiveHours(); if (type == "minutes") this._updateActiveMinutes(); } this._hideSelector = function() { if (!this._sel) return; = "none"; = "none"; } this._isSelectorVisible = function() { if (!this._sel) return false; return ( != "none"); } this._doOnSelectorChange = function(state) { this.callEvent("onChange",[new Date(this._activeMonth.getFullYear(), this._activeMonth.getMonth(), this._activeDate.getDate(), this._activeDate.getHours(), this._activeDate.getMinutes(), this._activeDate.getSeconds()),state]); } this._clearSelHover = function() { if (!this._selHover) return; this._selHover.className = String(this._selHover.className.replace(/dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_hover/gi,"")); this._selHover = null; } /* month selector */ this._updateActiveMonth = function() { if (typeof(this._msActive) != "undefined" && typeof(this._msCells[this._msActive]) != "undefined") this._msCells[this._msActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; this._msActive = this._activeMonth.getMonth(); this._msCells[this._msActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_active"; } /* year selector */ this._updateActiveYear = function() { var i = this._activeMonth.getFullYear(); if (this._ysCells[i]) this._ysCells[i].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_active"; } this._updateYearsList = function(d) { for (var a in this._ysCells) { this._ysCells[a] = null; delete this._ysCells[a]; } // var i = 12*Math.floor(d.getFullYear()/12); for (var q=0; q<4; q++) { for (var w=0; w<3; w++) { this.ysCont.childNodes[q].childNodes[w].innerHTML = i; this.ysCont.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]._year = i; this.ysCont.childNodes[q].childNodes[w].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; this._ysCells[i++] = this.ysCont.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]; } } this._updateActiveYear(); } this._scrollYears = function(i) { var y = (i<0?this.ysCont.firstChild.firstChild._year:this.ysCont.lastChild.lastChild._year)+i; var d = new Date(y, this._activeMonth.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); this._updateYearsList(d); } /* hours selector */ // update hours in selector this._updateActiveHours = function() { if (typeof(this._hsActive) != "undefined" && typeof(this._hsCells[this._hsActive]) != "undefined") this._hsCells[this._hsActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; this._hsActive = this._activeDate.getHours(); this._hsCells[this._hsActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_active"; } // update hours in calendar this._updateVisibleHours = function () { this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].innerHTML = this._fixLength(this._activeDate.getHours(),2); } /* minutes selector */ // update minutes in selector this._updateActiveMinutes = function() { if (typeof(this._rsActive) != "undefined" && typeof(this._rsCells[this._rsActive]) != "undefined") this._rsCells[this._rsActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell"; this._rsActive = this._activeDate.getMinutes(); if (typeof(this._rsCells[this._rsActive]) != "undefined") this._rsCells[this._rsActive].className = "dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell dhtmlxcalendar_selector_cell_active"; } // update minutes in calendar this._updateVisibleMinutes = function() { this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[3].innerHTML = this._fixLength(this._activeDate.getMinutes(),2); } /* some common functionality */ this._fixLength = function(t, r) { while (String(t).length < r) t = "0"+String(t); return t; } this._dateFormat = ""; this._dateFormatRE = null; this.setDateFormat = function(format) { this._dateFormat = format; this._dateFormatRE = new RegExp(String(this._dateFormat).replace(/%[a-zA-Z]+/g,function(t){ var t2 = t.replace(/%/,""); switch (t2) { case "m": case "d": case "H": case "i": case "s": return "\\d{2}"; case "Y": return "\\d{4}"; } return t; })); } this.setDateFormat("%Y-%m-%d"); this._strToDate = function(val,getSet,format) { var i = {Y:false, m:false, d:false, H:false, i:false, s:false}; var a = String(val).match(/[0-9]{1,}/g); var b = (format||this._dateFormat).match(/%[a-zA-Z]/g); if (!a) return "Invalid Date"; for (var q=0; q11?"pm":"am"); case "%A": return (val.getHours()>11?"PM":"AM"); case "%%": "%"; default: return t; } } var t = String(format||this._dateFormat).replace(/%[a-zA-Z]/g, k); } return (t||String(val)); } this._updateDateStr = function(str) { // check if valid str if (str == "") { this.setDate(new Date()); this.callEvent("onChange",[null,true]); return; } else { if (!this._dateFormatRE || !str.match(this._dateFormatRE)) return; } var r = this._strToDate(str, true); var newDate = new Date(this._activeMonth.getFullYear(), this._activeMonth.getMonth(), this._activeDate.getDate(), this._activeDate.getHours(), this._activeDate.getMinutes(), this._activeDate.getSeconds()); if (r.Y !== false && r.Y != newDate.getFullYear()) this._activeDate.setFullYear(r.Y); if (r.m !== false) {r.m--; if (r.m != newDate.getMonth()) this._activeDate.setMonth(r.m); } if (r.d !== false && r.d != newDate.getDate()) this._activeDate.setDate(r.d); if (r.H !== false && r.H != newDate.getHours()) this._activeDate.setHours(r.H); if (r.i !== false && r.i != newDate.getMinutes()) this._activeDate.setMinutes(r.i); if (r.s !== false && r.s != newDate.getSeconds()) this._activeDate.setSeconds(r.s); this._drawMonth(this._activeDate); this._updateVisibleMinutes(); this._updateVisibleHours(); if (this._sel && this._isSelectorVisible()) this._doOnSelectorShow(this._sel._t); this._doOnSelectorChange(true); } this.setFormatedDate = function(format, str, a, return_only) { var date = this._strToDate(str, false, format); if (return_only) return date; this.setDate(date); } this.getFormatedDate = function(format, date) { if (!(date && date instanceof Date)) date = new Date(this._activeDate); return this._dateToStr(date, format); } /* show/hide calendar */ // public show/hide = function(id) { // if id not set - try show in container if (!id && this._hasParent) { this._show(); return; } // if input id not specified show near first found // if nothing found - do not show if (typeof(id) == "object" && typeof(id._dhtmlxcalendar_uid) != "undefined" && this.i[id._dhtmlxcalendar_uid] == id) { this._show(id._dhtmlxcalendar_uid); return; } if (typeof(id) == "undefined") { for (var a in this.i) if (!id) id = a; } if (!id) return; this._show(id); } this.hide = function() { if (this._isVisible()) this._hide(); } this.isVisible = function() { return this._isVisible(); } this.draw = function() { // deprecated; } this.close = function() { // deprecated this.hide(); } // private show/hide this._activeInp = null; this.pos = "bottom"; this.setPosition = function(x, y) { if (x == "right" || x == "bottom") { this.pos = x; return; } if (!this._hasParent) { if (typeof(x) != "undefined" && !isNaN(x)) = x+"px"; if (typeof(y) != "undefined" && !isNaN(y)) = y+"px"; } } this._show = function(inpId, autoHide) { if (autoHide === true && this._activeInp == inpId && this._isVisible()) { this._hide(); return; } if (!inpId) { = "0px"; = "0px"; } else { if (this.pos == "right") { = this._getLeft(this.i[inpId])+this.i[inpId].offsetWidth-1+"px"; = this._getTop(this.i[inpId])+"px"; } else { = this._getLeft(this.i[inpId])+"px"; = this._getTop(this.i[inpId])+this.i[inpId].offsetHeight-1+"px"; } this._activeInp = inpId; } this._hideSelector(); = ""; } this._hide = function() { this._hideSelector(); = "none"; this._activeInp = null; } this._isVisible = function() { return (!="none"); } this._getLeft = function(obj) { return this._posGetOffset(obj).left; } this._getTop = function(obj) { return this._posGetOffset(obj).top; } this._posGetOffsetSum = function(elem) { var top=0, left=0; while(elem) { top = top + parseInt(elem.offsetTop); left = left + parseInt(elem.offsetLeft); elem = elem.offsetParent; } return {top: top, left: left}; } this._posGetOffsetRect = function(elem) { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); var body = document.body; var docElem = document.documentElement; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop; var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft; var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0; var clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0; var top = + scrollTop - clientTop; var left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft; return { top: Math.round(top), left: Math.round(left) }; } this._posGetOffset = function(elem) { return this[elem.getBoundingClientRect?"_posGetOffsetRect":"_posGetOffsetSum"](elem); } this._rangeActive = false; this._rangeFrom = null; this._rangeTo = null; this._rangeSet = {}; this.setInsensitiveDays = function(d) { // !works in append mode var t = this._extractDates(d); for (var q=0; qthis._rangeTo)) return true; if (this._rangeType == "out" && (time>=this._rangeFrom && time<=this._rangeTo)) return true; if (this._rangeType == "from" && timethis._rangeTo) return true; } var t0 = new Date(time); if (this._rangeWeek) { if (this._rangeWeekData[t0.getDay()] === true) return true; } if (this._rangeMonth) { if (this._rangeMonthData[t0.getDate()] === true) return true; } if (this._rangeYear) { if (this._rangeYearData[t0.getMonth()+"_"+t0.getDate()] === true) return true; } return false; } this.clearSensitiveRange = function() { this._clearRange(); this._drawMonth(this._activeMonth); } this.setSensitiveRange = function(from, to, ins) { var f = false; // set range if (from != null && to != null) { if (!(from instanceof Date)) from = this._strToDate(from,false); if (!(to instanceof Date)) to = this._strToDate(to,false); if (from.getTime() > to.getTime()) return; this._rangeFrom = new Date(from.getFullYear(),from.getMonth(),from.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); this._rangeTo = new Date(to.getFullYear(),to.getMonth(),to.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); this._rangeActive = true; this._rangeType = "in"; f = true; } // set range "from date" if (!f && from != null && to == null) { if (!(from instanceof Date)) from = this._strToDate(from,false); this._rangeFrom = new Date(from.getFullYear(),from.getMonth(),from.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); this._rangeTo = null; if (ins === true) this._rangeFrom++; this._rangeActive = true; this._rangeType = "from"; f = true; } // set range "to date" if (!f && from == null && to != null) { if (!(to instanceof Date)) to = this._strToDate(to,false); this._rangeFrom = null; this._rangeTo = new Date(to.getFullYear(),to.getMonth(),to.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); if (ins === true) this._rangeTo--; this._rangeActive = true; this._rangeType = "to"; f = true; } if (f) this._drawMonth(this._activeMonth); } this.setInsensitiveRange = function(from, to) { if (from != null && to != null) { if (!(from instanceof Date)) from = this._strToDate(from,false); if (!(to instanceof Date)) to = this._strToDate(to,false); if (from.getTime() > to.getTime()) return; this._rangeFrom = new Date(from.getFullYear(),from.getMonth(),from.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); this._rangeTo = new Date(to.getFullYear(),to.getMonth(),to.getDate(),0,0,0,0).getTime(); this._rangeActive = true; this._rangeType = "out"; this._drawMonth(this._activeMonth); return; } if (from != null && to == null) { this.setSensitiveRange(null, from, true); return; } if (from == null && to != null) { this.setSensitiveRange(to, null, true); return; } } // this.disableDays = function(mode, d) { if (mode == "week") { // !! works in replace mode if (typeof(d) != "object" && typeof(d.length) == "undefined") d = [d]; if (!this._rangeWeekData) this._rangeWeekData = {}; for (var a in this._rangeWeekData) { this._rangeWeekData[a] = false; delete this._rangeWeekData[a]; } for (var q=0; q 0) this.contMonth.firstChild.firstChild.removeChild(this.contMonth.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild); // li this.contMonth.firstChild.removeChild(this.contMonth.firstChild.firstChild); // ul this.contMonth.removeChild(this.contMonth.firstChild); // div this.contMonth.parentNode.removeChild(this.contMonth); this.contMonth = null; /* days */ // li while (this.contDays.firstChild.childNodes.length > 0) this.contDays.firstChild.removeChild(this.contDays.firstChild.lastChild); // ul this.contDays.removeChild(this.contDays.firstChild); // div this.contDays.parentNode.removeChild(this.contDays); this.contDays = null; /* dates */ this.contDates.onclick = null; this.contDates.onmouseover = null; this.contDates.onmouseout = null; while (this.contDates.childNodes.length > 0) { while (this.contDates.lastChild.childNodes.length > 0) { // li this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._css_date = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._css_month = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._css_weekend = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._css_hover = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._date = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._q = null; this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild._w = null; this.contDates.lastChild.removeChild(this.contDates.lastChild.lastChild); } // ul this.contDates.removeChild(this.contDates.lastChild); } // div this.contDates.parentNode.removeChild(this.contDates); this.contDates = null; /* time */ this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.onclick = null; // labels while (this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length > 0) this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.removeChild(this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild); // li this.contTime.firstChild.removeChild(this.contTime.firstChild.firstChild); // ul this.contTime.removeChild(this.contTime.firstChild); // div this.contTime.parentNode.removeChild(this.contTime); this.contTime = null; /* selector */ this._lastHover = null; // month selector if (this.msCont) { this.msCont.onclick = null; this._msActive = null; // li for (var a in this._msCells) { this._msCells[a]._cell = null; this._msCells[a]._month = null; this._msCells[a].parentNode.removeChild(this._msCells[a]); this._msCells[a] = null; } this._msCells = null; // ul while (this.msCont.childNodes.length > 0) this.msCont.removeChild(this.msCont.lastChild); // div this.msCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.msCont); this.msCont = null; } // years selector if (this.ysCont) { this.ysCont.onclick = null; // li for (var a in this._ysCells) { this._ysCells[a]._cell = null; this._ysCells[a]._year = null; this._ysCells[a].parentNode.removeChild(this._ysCells[a]); this._ysCells[a] = null; } this._ysCells = null; // ul while (this.ysCont.childNodes.length > 0) this.ysCont.removeChild(this.ysCont.lastChild); // div this.ysCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.ysCont); this.ysCont = null; } // hours selector if (this.hsCont) { this.hsCont.onclick = null; this._hsActive = null; // li for (var a in this._hsCells) { this._hsCells[a]._cell = null; this._hsCells[a]._hours = null; this._hsCells[a].parentNode.removeChild(this._hsCells[a]); this._hsCells[a] = null; } this._hsCells = null; // ul while (this.hsCont.childNodes.length > 0) this.hsCont.removeChild(this.hsCont.lastChild); // div this.hsCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.hsCont); this.hsCont = null; } // minutes selector if (this.rsCont) { this.rsCont.onclick = null; this._rsActive = null; // li for (var a in this._rsCells) { this._rsCells[a]._cell = null; this._rsCells[a]._minutes = null; this._rsCells[a].parentNode.removeChild(this._rsCells[a]); this._rsCells[a] = null; } this._rsCells = null; // ul while (this.rsCont.childNodes.length > 0) this.rsCont.removeChild(this.rsCont.lastChild); // div this.rsCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.rsCont); this.rsCont = null; } // selector cover if (this._selCover) { this._selCover.parentNode.removeChild(this._selCover); this._selCover = null; } // selector object if (this._sel) { for (var a in this._sel._ta) this._sel._ta[a] = null; this._sel._ta = null; this._sel._t = null; this._sel.onmouseover = null; this._sel.onmouseout = null; // td while (this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length > 0) { this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild.onclick = null; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild.onmouseover = null; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild.onmouseout = null; this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.removeChild(this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild); } // tr this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.removeChild(this._sel.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild); // tbody this._sel.firstChild.removeChild(this._sel.firstChild.firstChild); // table and arrow div while (this._sel.childNodes.length > 0) this._sel.removeChild(this._sel.lastChild); // object this._sel.parentNode.removeChild(this._sel); this._sel = null; } /* base */ this.base.onclick = null; this.base.parentNode.removeChild(this.base); this.base = null; /* methods */ this._clearDayHover = null; this._clearSelHover = null; this._doOnSelectorChange = null; this._doOnSelectorShow = null; this._drawMonth = null; this._fixLength = null; this._getLeft = null; this._getTop = null; this._hide = null; this._hideSelector = null; this._initSelector = null; this._isSelectorVisible = null; this._isVisible = null; this._posGetOffset = null; this._posGetOffsetRect = null; this._posGetOffsetSum = null; this._scrollYears = null; this._show = null; this._showSelector = null; this._strToDate = null; this._updateActiveHours = null; this._updateActiveMinutes = null; this._updateActiveMonth = null; this._updateActiveYear = null; this._updateCellStyle = null; this._updateDateStr = null; this._updateVisibleHours = null; this._updateVisibleMinutes = null; this._updateYearsList = null; this.hide = null; this.hideTime = null; this.setDate = null; this.setDateFormat = null; = null; this.showTime = null; this.unload = null; for (var a in this) delete this[a]; a = that = null; } // set init date this.setDate(this._activeDate); return this; }; dhtmlXCalendarObject.prototype.setYearsRange = function(){}; // deprecated dhtmlXCalendarObject.prototype.lang = "en"; dhtmlXCalendarObject.prototype.langData = { "en": { dateformat: "%Y-%m-%d", monthesFNames: ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"], monthesSNames: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"], daysFNames: ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"], daysSNames: ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"], weekstart: 1 } }; dhtmlxCalendarObject = dhtmlXCalendarObject;